CLP ALLEGATO VIII: proroga UFI per miscele ai consumatori

Bozza di modifica dell'Allegato VIII che proroga di un anno la data di applicazione del nuovo sistema di notifica UFI per le miscele destinate al consumatore.

"It is therefore appropriate to defer the first compliance date from 1 January 2020 to 1 January 2021 in order to allow sufficient time to develop the necessary solutions and make any necessary changes to the new rules. This postponement does not affect the need for Member States to have their systems operational in good time before 1 January 2021 in order to allow importers and downstream users sufficient time to prepare for their submissions before that date."

"Importers and downstream users placing on the market mixtures for consumer use, within the meaning of Section 2.4 of Part A of this Annex, shall comply with this Annex from 1 January 2021."


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